Loss Survivor Stories
Alliance of Hope is a Place of Healing & Remembrance
"I have found that suicide survivor grief is unlike any other. Alliance of Hope is greatly needed for those of us who have been through our kind of loss. The community is amazing, and the resources they provide were so helpful to me and my son. Thank you to all of the people that make Alliance of Hope possible. Blessings on all of you."
"Ten years ago my husband died by suicide. I was left with two young children and a completely shattered sense of self. I would wake up at 3am and cry and cry before I got the kids up for breakfast and school. I felt guilty and ashamed. I never thought I would feel normal or worthy of love again.
I found the Alliance of Hope Forum in the early months and immediately started to feel a change. ... The tiniest shred of hope that I might be okay again someday. The love and understanding from my fellow survivors was always available and it got it me through many dark times.
One Christmas Eve, far from home and unable to sleep, I wrote on the forum in the deepest despair and in the morning kind compassionate responses were there. My heart felt heard and held. I was less alone. I found healing in helping others on the forum too. The forum is a great asset to those who are grieving hard and are confused and distraught. The Alliance of Hope helped me find my way out of the darkest place in my life and eventually to having a happy life again. I am eternally grateful."
"I lost my sister to suicide almost 7 years ago. No crisis group, medication, or therapy could EVER replace the healing I received from Alliance of Hope. The expertise, compassion, 24hr online support and amazing relationships formed out of grief have been a life saver and I say that honestly as I was suicidal after my sister's traumatic suicide. I always refer those in need of the utmost care if they too suffer the loss of a loved one to this site. I am forever indebted. You saved my life and allowed the safest space to seek healing after I lost my beloved sister."
"A loved one shared the Alliance of Hope with me shortly after my 28-year-old son’s suicide in May 2019. In the early months, I visited the site to gather resources and read the blog. I found a lot of helpful information. The website is very user-friendly, which is vital to someone slogging through thick grief fog, barely able to breathe, much less muster the strength or brain power to search for help and resources.
The first year after losing our son was excruciating. Some days, I wondered how/if I would make it. The guilt was suffocating. In the early days and months, I leaned on the support of loved ones, saw a therapist, read books, and attended an in-person grief support group at my church. Nevertheless, something was sorely missing in my recovery.
I needed more. I needed connection with others who understood the trauma of suicide loss. I joined the forum and found just what I was looking for. This community of caring people who understand the complexities of this type of loss is invaluable. Being able to share our grief journey, ask questions, receive support, as well as encourage others along the way, has helped me find healing and hope. At nearly three years since our loss, I couldn’t be more grateful."
"Alliance of Hope allowed me to see that everything I was feeling was normal, to understand that nobody was to blame, that I wasn’t alone in this nightmare. I know I would be in a very different place today if I hadn’t connected with this excellent organisation."
"Our daughter Colleen died by suicide on Oct. 9, 2018 at the age of 25. ... She was a beautiful, intelligent and talented individual who excelled in so many areas of her life. On the outside she looked confident and strong. She suffered with major depressive disorder and for some reason she quit her medication which led to her death.
I found the Alliance of Hope while searching for resources on the computer. I was immediately drawn in by the words, 'You are not alone.'
That first night I read and read as much as I could absorb. The variety of poems, stories, descriptions of stages of healing, and practical advice for what helps, gave me hope. I realized that these unfortunate authors were ahead of me on this journey and they were somehow surviving and maybe even growing with this experience.
I continue to look forward to the monthly newsletter and I donate to the Alliance every year. I truly believe that this organization has helped me on my journey of acceptance. Although I am not referring to the site every week anymore, I know that when I feel the need to connect with others, I can do so very quickly. I thank the organizers and team for their hard work and dedication. You are so appreciated and so needed. Keep up the excellent work."
"The Alliance of Hope has been nothing short of a life force for me and an instrumental part of my journey from the second I stumbled across it."
"In the early days, The Alliance of Hope was my lifeline. The loving support from members and the information provided helped me feel less alone in my grief. I still have 'those days' where I struggle and The Alliance of Hope is there to hold my hand through them. Hearing the stories, questions and comments of others is so beneficial as I continue to live with this catastrophic loss. I'm so thankful to have a place to go anytime I need comfort or information."